Moving In

Moving in

Your property should be ready for you to move into from the first day your tenancy starts. Use our Moving in checklist to make moving in easier.



When you move in, it’s really important that you have an inventory.

Often, landlords/agents will provide you with an inventory. In this case, make sure you agree with the inventory and make any amendments before you sign it. For more guidance, please visit Shelter - Inventories.

If you landlord/agent does not provide you with an inventory, you should do one yourself, ideally with the landlord present if possible.

Here are some tips on taking an inventory:

  • Document the condition of all fixtures, fittings, furniture and any external spaces.
  • Make note of any items which are missing, for example if the property was advertised as including a kettle, but there isn't one present.
  • Take lots of photographs and videos.
  • Make sure your photographs and videos are dated - this should be done automatically on most phones and cameras.
  • Include as much detail as possible.
  • Download our Inventory Template.
Welcome pack

The landlord should provide you with a welcome pack and information about the property.

This should include:

  • Who to contact in an emergency (for example, in the case of being locked out, a water leak, broken door/window etc.)
  • How to report repairs and maintainence requests.
  • Information on how to operate any alarms in the property.
  • Any other relevant information or documents.

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The landlord should give you clear instructions about how to use any appliance in the house such as the heating, hot water and cooker, etc. or provide you with the instruction manuals. All electrical appliances should either be under 12 months old or be PAT tested to make sure they are safe. If you have gas appliances, the landlord should provide a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate.

Setting Up Your Utilities

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The landlord should provide you with details of which companies supply the utilities to the property.


If they don’t have the details you can find out by contacting the following companies to find out who your supplier is:


Gas - 0870 608 1524 or visit

Electric - 0870 751 0093 or visit

Telephone / Internet – BT 0800 800 150 or visit

Water – United Utilities are the only supplier of water in the North West and can be contacted on 0345 672 2999 or visit United Utilities

TV License – if you have a joint and several tenancy agreement you will only need one TV licence for the whole property. If you are on an individual room by room contract you will need one per person. Visit TV Licensing for more information.

You can compare the cost of utility bills on uSwitchCompare The Market, and/or Money Supermarket.


Meter Readings and Payments

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Make sure you know how to access your meters for meter readings - these may be inside or outside of the property, and your landlord/agent should inform you of their location.

It is important to make meter readings as soon as you move in, so ensure you aren't charged for any energy or water you didn't use.

Here are some tips on meter readings and bills:

  • Check what type of electricty meter you have and how to read it correctly. There are different types of electricty meters, and some have multiple rates, so it's important you know how to read them correctly so your readings don;t get mixed up!
  • Make sure you take regular meter readings and submit them to your utility suppliers.
  • Retain a copy of all your meter readings for your own record, for example by taking pictures of your meters.
  • Decide if you want to pay per bill or by direct debit. If you pay per bill, it can be more difficult to budget as the amount due can vary, so it might be a good idea to set up a direct debit at the amount recommended by your utility provider, then divide the cost between you and your housemates.
  • Make sure you keep up to date with utility bills as some suppliers may charge late payment fees and any debits could affect your credit score.
  • Make sure you're getting the best deal from yoru utility suppliers. There are lots of deals and special offers from utility companies; if you switch suppliers it could save you money, try comparison website such as U switch.


Council Tax

When you move in to your new home, you will most likely need to apply for a Council Tax exemption.

To apply for your Council Tax exemption, you can visit the Manchester City Council Student-Only Household Form.

To fill out this form, you will need:

  • full name of each resident
  • full address and postcode
  • date of tenancy commencement and termination

If you and the other tenants attend one of the below institutions, you will also need each student ID number:

  • UoM
  • MMU
  • UoS
  • BIMM
  • RNCM
  • Univeristy of Bolton
  • UCEN/The Manchester College

If you or the other tenants attend a different institution than those listed above, or if you have already submitted this form and been asked to provide evidence of student status, you can contact your relevant student services centre, who will be able to provide you will a Council Tax exemption certificate.

For Salford adresses, you can fill out the Salford City Council Student Exemption Form.

Waste and Recycling

When you move in, it's important to know your bin schedule and how to properly sort your bins. If your bins are overflowing or have the wrong things in them, they won't be collected, so it's important to start off on the right foot!

Here are some tips for managing your bins when you move in:

  • If you have wheelie bins, you can find out when they get collected here.
  • Check what goes in each bin! Find out how to separate your waste and recycling here.
  • If your recycling bins have been contaiminated, or if you have a large item to dispose of, you can request a collection here.
  • Make sure your bins are numbered! You can pick up free bin numbers from our Pod.

For more information, please visit our Community page.

Registering with a GP

Make sure you are registered with a local GP and dental practice. You can find health services in your area by visiting NHS Service Search.

If you have repeat prescriptions, make sure you update your nominated pharmacy. You can find your nearest pharmacy by using the NHS Pharmacy Finder.

Register to vote

Don’t forget to register to vote! It’s really easy and simple and can be done online at Register to Vote.
