The Landlord Working Party has been running since 2005 and was founded by Manchester Student Homes (MSH) to recognise the contribution that landlords can make to improving the private sector through accreditation. The Landlord Working Party is guided by MSH and works with its strategic partners and key stakeholders to provide the landlords’ perspective.
The group meets three times a year and is made up of accredited landlords and managing agents who own or manage residential properties, as well as larger student scheme management, in Manchester and Salford.
The Landlord Working Party provides a forum for consultation and offers landlords the opportunity to provide feedback on the services that MSH offers to them. It provides an opportunity for landlords to be involved in partnership projects aimed at the private rented sector guided by MSH. It also leads on ideas for the MSH Landlord Events and gives landlords the opportunity to discuss any wider issues surrounding the student sector.
If you are interested in joining the Landlord Working Party, please contact